Since the output DC voltage of the RF-DC rectifier for RF energy harvesting varies considerably depending on the RF input power, the DC-DC boost converter following the RF-DC rectifier is required to achieve high power conversion efficiency (PCE) in a wide input voltage range.
Therefore, the proposed RF energy harvesting system adopts a DC-DC boost converter to convert the low output voltage of the RF-DC rectifier into a high voltage of 1 V or more. Figure 1 shows a block diagram of an RF energy harvesting system consisting of an RF energy harvesting RF-DC rectifier and a DC-DC boost converter.
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. In this paper, a self-threshold voltage (Vth) compensated Radio Frequency to Direct Current (RF-DC) converter operating at 900 MHz and 2.4 GHz is proposed for RF energy harvesting applications.
For more information on the journal statistics, click here. Multiple requests from the same IP address are counted as one view. In this paper, a self-threshold voltage (Vth) compensated Radio Frequency to Direct Current (RF-DC) converter operating at 900 MHz and 2.4 GHz is proposed for RF energy harvesting applications.
The optimization of RF energy harvesting must be done in the most adverse conditions feasible. The MPPT algorithm is used in the proposed RF-DC converter to automatically determine the number of stages based on the RF input power level and maintain the maximum PCE at the output. In order to operate the reconfigurable RF-DC combined in each step.
The RF energy harvester's sensitivity can be described as the minimal value of Pin required to perform the RF energy harvester's operation. The RF power received is measured in the milli or micro-watt level, while the sensitivity is measured in decibels (dBm). The efficiency of the system is the major criteria for evaluating its performance.
Sometimes consumers may want to add custom clone behaviour for particular classes (for example RegExp or ObjectId, which aren''t supported out-of-the-box).. This can be done by passing constructorHandlers, which takes an array of tuples, where the first item is the class to match, and the second item is a function that takes the input and returns a cloned output:
High-performance metal-insulator-metal capacitors using atomic layer-deposited HfO/sub 2/-Al/sub 2/O/sub 3/ laminate are fabricated and characterized for RF and mixed-signal applications. The laminate capacitor can offer high capacitance density (12.8 fF//spl mu/m/sup 2/) up to 20 GHz, low leakage current of 4.9/spl times/10/sup -8/ A/cm/sup 2/ at 2 V and 125/spl …
The main objective of this work is to develop a lumped element dual-band RF-to-DC converter circuit at a very low input power of −25 dBm. For optimum power conversion of RF to DC, a single rectifier (voltage-doubler + rectification) with a dual-band impedance matching network is proposed.
High-performance metal-insulator-metal capacitors using atomic layer-deposited HfO 2-Al 2 O 3 laminate are fabricated and characterized for RF and mixed-signal applications. The laminate capacitor can offer high capacitance density (12.8 fF/μm 2) up to 20 GHz, low leakage current of 4.9 × 10-8 A/cm 2 at 2 V and 125°C, and small linear voltage coefficient of capacitance of 211 …
proposed circuit of Fig.2 exhibits a steady-state DC voltage in the time-domain response. It is evident from Fig.5 that when the antenna impedance decreases, the DC output voltage increases. In fact, when is 10Ω, the DC output voltage is 10.5 V at an input RF voltage of 150 mV across 800-1200 MHz band. When the value of the
Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire s''inscrivent dans la thématique de la transmission d''énergie sans fil, appliquée à l''alimentation à distance de capteurs, de réseaux de capteurs et d''actionneurs à faible consommation. Cette étude porte sur la conception, la caractérisation, et la mesure d''un circuit Rectenna (Rectifying antenna) à double polarisation circulaire à 2.45 GHz ...
What is DC Self-Bias Voltage? DC self-bias voltage stems from greater electron mobility compared to the ion''s. A higher DC self-bias leads to an elevated rate of ion collision to the electrode, resulting in higher etching or sputtering performance. The sputtering rate from the target in RF sputtering is highly correlated to the DC self-bias voltage created on the target.