''Het stimuleren van begrijpend luisteren door interactief voorlezen''- Dr. Kees Vernooy Interactief voorlezen, wat heeft onderzoek daarover te zeggen ? – F.R.C. Mommers – JSW Jaargang 86 nr 7. Ook de methode Schatkist biedt suggesties voor interactief voorlezen. Lees het artikel. Cd-rom Interactief voorlezen aan peuters
Refer to hospital or seek specialist advice on further investigation and management if a person with acute cough has any symptoms or signs suggesting a more serious condition (for example sepsis, a pulmonary embolism, or lung cancer).. For more information, see the CKS topics on Sepsis, Pulmonary embolism, and Lung and pleural cancers - recognition and referral.
Hi I removed our old PIR sensor, the writing on it was unreadable and most of it had perished I bought a ZN25154 which has 3 terminal connections: L, A, N I have the following wires: Red, Blue, Yellow (with a brown sleeve on it?), Yellow/Green I have wired it as such: L = Red A = N = Blue...
Ok firstly 6 core cable doesn''t have a pink core, it might be slightly less red than another make of cable but its still red. From what it looks like to me they may have doubled up on the cores to get more current to the sounder with the cores that are left over in the cable, If its a simple bell and strobe bell box then this makes sense, 2 cores to the strobe and the rest to …
INTERACTIEF COLLEGE – FYSIOLOGIE Wat is bron van onze lichaamswarmte? a. Vrijkomen warmte vanuit metabole activiteit: BMR (=RMR) b. Omgevingstemperatuur 1. Wat wordt verstaan onder de kerntemperatuur De temperatuur van de vitale organen in het lichaam, zoals hersenen, longen, hart. - Dieper gelegen organen receptor in hypothalamus pre-optica ...
Hi, I am wiring a series of mains interconnected smoke alarms using 3 -core and earth cable. The alarms do not have an earth terminal. This wiring plan was suggested as it would avoid using the earth for the interconnection wire, and therefore potentially confusing anyone else examining the wiring.