LONDON (ICIS)–LNG is likely to be the cornerstone of the Netherlands’ gas supply strategy in the coming months and years, alongside potential increases in domestic production, as Norwegian supply is now capped.
To compensate for the field’s closer, the Netherlands boosted imports of liquefied natural gas — mostly from the US — hitting record volumes last year. The Netherlands aims to keep natural gas reserves above a mandatory target agreed with the European Union for 2024.
Increasing LNG regasification capacity in the Netherlands represents the core strategy to improve the Dutch supply picture. LNG imports totalled around 9.6bcm since the beginning of the year, more than double year on year.
The pair of floating ships will supply gas to Germany and the landlocked Czech Republic. “The arrival of the new LNG terminal is an important step not only for the Netherlands, but for the whole of Europe to completely phase out the dependence on energy from Russia as quickly as possible,” said Rob Jetten, Dutch minister for climate and energy.
Until now, the Netherlands could only import LNG through Rotterdam but that has changed with two FSRUs, the Golar Igloo and Eemshaven LNG, moored in Eemshaven. The Eemshaven project was completed in record time and the first gas will flow into the country’s network from mid-September, according to Gasunie.
At the same time, the import of foreign gas is associated with increased greenhouse gas emissions and methane leakages, undermining the Netherlands’ capacity to reach its ambitious climate goals.
De totale capaciteit van de Nederlandse gasopslag is op dit moment 15 miljard m3. Ter vergelijking: in 2022 was het totale gasverbruik in Nederland 31 miljard m3 . De totale opslag is dus niet genoeg om aan de volledige vraag te voldoen. ... Nederland heeft geïnvesteerd in LNG-infrastructuur en importeert LNG om te voorzien in de energiebehoefte.
De Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM) wil stoppen met gasopslag Norg. Nederland zou daarmee zijn grootste gasopslag kwijtraken, terwijl gasopslagen het afgelopen jaar juist alleen maar belangrijker zijn geworden. De stap van de NAM zou een tactische zet kunnen zijn in het eindspel in Groningen.
Total financing under the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) in Netherlands amounts to €4.3 billion and is set to trigger €17.4 billion in additional investments; ... Thanks to the use of modern materials the new building in Meppel will be highly energy efficient. As well as improvements to the buildings and equipment, the ...
Greening liquefied natural gas (LNG) by obtaining it from non-fossil fuel reserves is another opportunity worth investigating for energy developers and investors, but which has so far attracted relatively little interest. ... Although there are disagreements within the Netherlands'' energy sector about how best to unlock and scale up investment ...
De grafiek laat zien hoeveel gas er in de vorm van Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is geïmporteerd. Deze wordt vergeleken met het gemiddelde van kalenderjaren 2019-2021. Hierin zijn meegenomen de LNG-terminal Gate (Maasvlakte) en vanaf najaar 2022 de LNG-terminal EET (Eemshaven). Niet meegenomen zijn de hoeveelheden die via België en Engeland als LNG …
Het kabinet wil de gasbergingen zo veel mogelijk vullen. De gasopslag in Bergermeer wordt zo maximaal mogelijk gevuld. Dat wordt naar verwachting ongeveer 90%. Het doel was 68%. Voor gasopslag Norg wordt een subsidie uitgewerkt zodat er verder gevuld kan worden. Door het verder vullen is er een buffer om eventuele tegenslagen op te vangen, zoals …
33 comprehensive market analysis studies and industry reports on the Energy & Power sector, offering an industry overview with historical data since 2019 and forecasts up to 2029. This includes a detailed market research of 6158 research companies, enriched with industry statistics, industry insights, and a thorough industry analysis
The graph shows how much LNG was imported compared to the average for 2019-2021. This includes the LNG terminal Gate (Maasvlakte) and from the LNG terminal EET (Eemshaven) in the autumn of 2022. Not included are the quantities shipped via Belgium and England are supplied as LNG and then transported to the Netherlands via pipelines source: ALSI
This year''s edition of the World Energy Investment provides a full update on the investment picture in 2023 and an initial reading of the emerging picture for 2024.. The report provides a global benchmark for tracking capital flows in the energy sector and examines how investors are assessing risks and opportunities across all areas of fuel and electricity supply, …
LNG kwam daarom vooral naar Europa als back-up en op het moment dat de prijzen ervan gunstig waren. Pas na het wegvallen van het Russische aardgas, als direct gevolg van het Oekraïne-conflict, is het aandeel LNG vanaf 2022 sterk toegenomen. Nederland is geen aardgaseiland, maar onderdeel van een breder Europees gasmarktsysteem. De
News. 12/06/2017 OMV Gas Storage Germany GmbH joins VGN; 24/02/2017 Gas Storage Netherlands supports agreement on revenues Dutch TSO GTS; 16/12/2016 VGN reaction to public consultation on functioning of wholesale gas market in the Netherlands; News » Correspondence address P.O. Box 364 9700 AJ Groningen T +31 50 521 2122 F +31 50 521 …
Regulation in the energy sector is an important instrument for governments and regulators to promote the transition to a sustainable energy system. Regulation can take various forms, such as setting standards for safety and environmental protection, setting tariffs and prices, or granting licenses to energy companies. It can also stimulate innovation and investment, for example …
Gasopslag in de Rotterdamse haven. Beeld Raymond Rutting / de Volkskrant. Door het gebrekkige aanbod van gas en Europese landen die tegen elkaar opboden, bereikte de prijs van gas in de zomer van 2022 een ongekende piek. ... In bijgaande grafiek is te zien hoeveel lng elke week Nederland bereikt, en hoeveel dit voorgaande jaren was.
Willem-Alexander, King of the Netherlands, officially opened the country''s first bio-LNG plant on 14 October. The plant was developed by Nordsol, Shell and Renewi and will produce an estimated 3.4 kilotons of bio-LNG annually – enough for 13 million kilometres of driving – preventing approximately 14.3 kilotons of fossil CO2 from entering the atmosphere. …