Take a look at the monitor and get an insight into the sustainability potential of your business park. The entrepreneurial and industrial character of business parks may provide a major impetus to the energy transition for companies and the surrounding area. In the quick-start guide drawn up by TNO, we identify 5 factors for success:
Business parks can play a major role in the energy transition. The grouping of many businesses on one site usually leads to a high, concentrated energy demand. As a result, there are entrepreneurs who have taken the lead in collaborating with each other to become more sustainable. Such collaborations make collective solutions promising.
The Sustainable Business Parks Monitor provides a uniform, national open dataset for business parks, which can be used by public authorities, market players, and knowledge parties in making business parks more sustainable.
Data from Statistics Netherlands (CBS) shows that in 2019, around 20 billion m3 of natural gas (626 petajoules of natural gas) and 39 billion kWh of electricity (140 PJ of electricity) were supplied to business parks from the national grid.
The Eco-Industrial Park saves Kalundborg €24 million in bottom-line savings annually. But the savings aren’t just financial—this process saves 635,000 tons of CO2, 3.6 million m3 of water, 100 GWh of energy, and 87,000 tons of solid materials.
Even without large-scale businesses, which often have a separate strategy, there are some 2.3 Mt of yearly CO2-emissions to be saved in business parks. This can be achieved with measures that already have a realistic time frame to recover the initial investment.
Energieopslag bereidt bedrijven voor op de toekomst. De energiemarkt evolueert snel, met een verschuiving naar hernieuwbare energie en veranderende regelgeving. Door nu te investeren in energieopslag, kunnen bedrijven zich positioneren om te profiteren van deze veranderingen. Veelgestelde vragen over energieopslag voor bedrijven
GLOBAL CITY BUSINESS PARK 87.600 m2 built area and 51.346 m2 gross leasable area of Class A offices spread over two buildings situated in a park like landscaped environment with emphasis on safety, quality, pleasure, and functionality. 8 Floors. 51346 m 2 Total Gross Leasable Area (GLA) for offices and retail.
City Business Park is the perfect place for business growth in Plymouth. With state-of-the-art facilities, a knowledgeable team of professionals, and ample parking, City Business Park is the perfect place to start or grow your business. Own this business? Call us on 0333 014 8550 to unlock your full listing''s potential.
1016 Residences is located centrally in Cebu Business Park, It is a short walk from the city''s premier retail and entertainment hub, the Ayala Center Cebu, and is directly connected to the exclusive City Sports Club Cebu where there are swimming pools, gym and etc - giving the residents and endless array of facilities and amenities for shopping, recreation,, dining and …
Energy Storage NL heeft een interactieve energieopslagkaart gepubliceerd. Uit deze kaart blijkt dat er al tientallen energieopslagprojecten in Nederland actief of in ontwikkeling zijn. Het City-zen project Virtual Power Plant is een van de projecten in Amsterdam. ''De kaart is en dynamische database, gebaseerd op informatie van onze deelnemers'', zegt Stefan …
The property comprises an end of terrace modern industrial unit with glazed double entrance doors with internal roller shutter security door, side open storage/parking area and ample parking to the front for up to 8 vehicles. The accommodation comprises a mainly open plan layout with WC and kitchenette on ground floor and a further mezzanine floor. Minimum eaves height is …
Located on the main road access in CBD BSD City with ROW 42, ICE Business Park is present as a retail commercial facility in West BSD City. ICE Business Park is located in front of the ICE (Indonesia Convention Exhibition) as the largest convention and exhibition center in Indonesia and surrounded by residential clusters providing lucrative investment opportunities and …
Business Licensing. Anyone engaging in business in Park City, including the sale or offering of any goods merchandise, or performing any service for monetary exchange or valuable consideration must be licensed. Park City Municipal Corporation requires all businesses within city limits to be licensed. Applications can be found using one of the ...
ONDERGRONDSE ENERGIEOPSLAG NOODZAKELIJK VOOR TOEKOMSTIG ENERGIESYSTEEM 4 / 27 VERANTWOORDE OPSCHALING VAN OPSLAG VOORBEREIDEN De diverse technologieën zijn nu nog in een stadium van ontwikkeling of demonstratie. In de komende jaren zijn de volgende acties nodig om ondergrondse energieopslag na 2030 …
360 Degree Business Park - Tower 2 is a Standalone Building in Electronic City Phase I, Bangalore with a total built-up area of ~9,43,199 sq. ft. ... Electronic City, 360 Degree Business Park is a standalone building equipped with Grade A - IT and biotechnology infrastructure. It is well connected to the major areas in main South Bengaluru and ...
Dicht bij Windpark Noordoostpolder, aan de voet van de Westermeerdijk, wordt een volgende, belangrijke stap gezet in de energietransitie. Een batterijpark op 4 hectare met een capaciteit van ruim 1 miljoen kWh, gaat helpen het energienet in balans te houden. En ervoor zorgen dat duurzame stroom niet verloren gaat.
City Business Park in Plymouth is highly regarded for its range of office spaces and excellent service offerings. Clients and visitors praise the skilled staff and the quality care provided by businesses like 4 ME &U Ltd T/A DEVONCARE. The park is also noted for its friendly atmosphere and convenience, making it a suitable location for various ...
City Business Park Bristol, a prime multi-let industrial estate, has been acquired by Orchard Street Investment Management for £30 million, on behalf of St James''s Place Property Unit Trust. The asset was sold by LaSalle Investment Management. The estate comprises 19 units totalling approximately 118,000 square feet across a six-acre site.
De opslag van energie wordt steeds belangrijker naarmate we meer duurzame energie gebruiken in Nederland. Niet alleen de opslag van elektriciteit, maar ook van moleculen (bijvoorbeeld gas en waterstof) en warmte. Deze drie energievormen zullen nodig zijn om te zorgen dat er voldoende flexibiliteit is in een energiesysteem met meer variabele …