Microfluidics is the engineering or use of devices that apply fluid flow to channels smaller than 1 millimetre in at least one dimension. Microfluidic devices can reduce reagent consumption, allow well controlled mixing and particle manipulation, integrate and automate multiple assays (known as lab-on-a-chip), and facilitate imaging and tracking.
Open microfluidic devices are also easy and inexpensive to fabricate by milling, thermoforming, and hot embossing. In addition, open microfluidics eliminates the need to glue or bond a cover for devices, which could be detrimental to capillary flows.
Droplet-based microfluidics is a subcategory of microfluidics in contrast with continuous microfluidics; droplet-based microfluidics manipulates discrete volumes of fluids in immiscible phases with low Reynolds number and laminar flow regimes. Interest in droplet-based microfluidics systems has been growing substantially in past decades.
For example, eukaryotic cells have linear dimensions between 10 and 100 μm which falls within the range of microfluidic dimensions. A key component of microfluidic cell culture is being able to mimic the cell microenvironment which includes soluble factors that regulate cell structure, function, behavior, and growth.
Active microfluidics refers to the defined manipulation of the working fluid by active (micro) components such as micropumps or microvalves. Micropumps supply fluids in a continuous manner or are used for dosing. Microvalves determine the flow direction or the mode of movement of pumped liquids.
Paper-based microfluidic devices are often referred to as microfluidic paper-based analytical devices (μPADs) and can detect such things as nitrate, preservatives, or antibiotics in meat by a colorimetric reaction that can be detected with a smartphone.
Energie oogsten is het proces waarbij energie wordt onttrokken uit de directe omgeving en vervolgens wordt opgeslagen voor gebruik in kleinschalige draadloze systemen. Voorbeelden van dergelijke bronnen zijn stralingsenergie, thermische energie, mechanische energie, magnetische energie en biochemische energie opgeslagen energie is gering, maar voldoende om …
"Gedetailleerde studie van de Microfluïdische druksensor-markt (2024-2031) Nieuwe analyse van Microfluïdische druksensor Marktoverzicht, uitgavenanalyse, import, segmentatie, belangrijkste spelers en kansenanalyse 2024-2031. Het onderzoek omvat ook een diepgaande concurrentieanalyse van de belangrij
The above features collectively make droplet microfluidics a robust and valuable platform for microbiology studies. Combining with advanced sequencing technologies [18] or dynamic fluorescence imaging [19], droplet microfluidics helps bring microbiologists closer to the ultimate goal of microbial ecology: observing and understanding who does what, when, where …
In dit artikel van onze serie over microfluïdische lab-on-chips bespreken we enkele basisprincipes voor het detecteren of kwantificeren van de hoeveelheid biochemisch analyt in een testmonster. De detectieprincipes bestaan uit één of meer van de volgende elementen: de bioreceptor die heel specifiek aan het analyt kan binden,
Microfluidic devices have become a vastly popular technology, particularly because of the advantages they offer over their traditional counterparts. They have such a wide range of uses and can make complex tasks quite efficient. One area of research or work that has benefited greatly from the use of microfluidics is biosensing, where microfluidic chips are integrated into …
Thanks to recent and continuing technological innovations, modern microfluidic systems are increasingly offering researchers working across all fields of biotechnology exciting new possibilities (especially with respect to facilitating high throughput analysis, portability, and parallelization). The advantages offered by microfluidic devices—namely, the substantially …
Microfluïdische technologie is toepasbaar in uiteenlopende sectoren zoals chemie, farmaceutica, voeding, biowetenschappen en medische diagnostiek. Tijdens dit seminarie demonstreert Sirris de technieken die in België beschikbaar zijn om een volledig aangepast apparaat te ontwikkelen, specifiek voor uw toepassing en klaar voor massaproductie. ...
OverviewFabricationAdvantagesCulture platformsApplications of cells in microfluidic systemsMulti-culture in microfluidicsControlling cell microenvironmentSee also
Microfluidic cell culture integrates knowledge from biology, biochemistry, engineering, and physics to develop devices and techniques for culturing, maintaining, analyzing, and experimenting with cells at the microscale. It merges microfluidics, a set of technologies used for the manipulation of small fluid volumes (μL, nL, pL) within artificially fabricated microsystems, and cell culture, which involves the maintenance and growth of cells in a controlled laboratory environment. Microfluidic…
Durch die Kombination der patentierten Gitter-gekoppelten Interferometrie (GCI)-Technologie mit verstopfungsfreier Mikrofluidik setzt das Creoptix WAVEsystem neue Maßstäbe für die Bindungskinetikanalyse. Unser innovativer Ansatz bietet eine überlegene Signal- und Zeitauflösung im Vergleich zu anderen Formen der markerfreien Erkennung und liefert Ihnen …
Dit unieke microfluïdische platform zal de micro-omgeving van natuurlijke weefsels nabootsen, waardoor er minder proefdieren nodig zijn voor in vivo-tests. Ontdek hoe dit project, dat experts uit Frankrijk, Wallonië en Vlaanderen samenbrengt, de ontwikkeling van medische hulpmiddelen kan transformeren met snellere, nauwkeurigere en ethisch verantwoorde oplossingen.
In this paper we present the development of a microfluidic microarray for trapping and analysis of single cells. The system consists of a PDMS/glass chip with a microfluidic channel network and hydrodynamic traps. The microfluidic chip was fabricated with MEMS technology and thereafter characterized by experimental flow visualization using fluorescent …
Microfluidics is both the science which studies the behaviour of fluids through micro-channels, and the technology of manufacturing microminiaturized devices containing chambers and tunnels through which fluids flow or are confined. Microfluidics deal with very small volumes of fluids, down to femtoliters (fL) which is a quadrillionth of a liter. Fluids behave very differently on the ...
Fabriek voor microfluïdische chips. Dat Micronit fors gaat uitbreiden op Kennispark, het bedrijf produceert en ontwikkelt lab on a chip producten (Bio chips) en micro-elektromechanische systemen (MEMS) waarmee lichaamseigen vloeistoffen op zeer kleine schaal geanalyseerd en bewerkt kunnen worden. Ook in de coronacrisis bewees het haar ...
Microfluidics for Miniaturized Laboratories. A key concept related to microfluidics is the ability to integrate operations that would typically require a whole laboratory into a simple micro-sized system.Currently, a traditional scale-up is substituted in microfluidic systems by multiplexing, drawing on the compact size of the device to dramatically shorten the time from formulation to …
A Diagrammatic representation of the microfluidic chip; B type of microfluidic chips and C application of microfluidic chips. Types of microfluidic chips based on device configuration. There are different types of microfluidic chips are designed, namely droplet microfluidic chip (Mashaghi et al. 2016; Seemann et al. 2011), organ-on-chip (OOC) (Wu et al. 2020), microfluidic hydrogel …